Staying in Miyako Island -First day- :Recommend Sweet shop,stay hotel and restaurant
【Sata andagi (サーターアンダギー) of Okinawa sweet】 Do you know "Sa-Ta-Anda-gi (サーターアンダギー)" of Okinawa local sweet? It is Okinawan-style doughnuts are made by kneading flour with eggs and sugar and deep frying them in oil. One... -
ーStaying in Miyako Islandー Do you interested beautiful southern islands in Japan?
【Have you ever been to “Miyako-Jima”?】 In Japan have many beautiful area. Today I will introducing “Miyako-Jima”. Miyako Island is a remote island in Okinawa Prefecture. It takes about 3 hours and 30 minutes by direct flight from Haned... -
What is Japanese New Year’s Special Sweet Soup “Oshiruko (おしるこ)”?
【What is "Oshiruko(おしるこ)" ?】 Good evening! I'm introducing “Oshiruko (おしるこ)” ! Do you know “Oshiruko”? Oshiruko is sweet red bean and Mochi soup. It is one of the New Year’s dishes. But it isn’t eat in 1th Jan. When d... -
Petit homestay Lesson Report
【Lesson Report】 Thank you joining again the Petite homestay lesson from America 🫶 Petite homestay lessons are held in my home studio! You can also enjoy the atmosphere of a real Japanese real home. On this day, we made sushi rolls an... -
What is Japanese New Year’s Special Soup “Ozouni (お雑煮)”?
【What is "Ozouni (お雑煮)" ?】 Good evening! I'm introducing “Ozouni (お雑煮)” ! Ozoni is a Special soup dish with Mochi (Rice cake) that Japanese people eat on New Year’s Day at 1th Jan. It is smells of dashi when you wake up at 1t... -
Happy new year’s Greeting!
【Happy New Year】 Happy New Year! New Year’s Greeting! Thank you for always supporting for me. Thanks for all the read over the last year! I'll be posting again this year, focusing on Japanese home cooking, so stay tuned! Hope 2023 brin... -
Handmade Udon noodles! Do you know “Mentsuyu”?
【Udon can make in your home!】 Good evening! I'm introducing “Udon noodle” ! Do you like Japanese noodle dishes? I’m love it! Japanese noodle dishes have many kind. For example, Ramen, Soba, Yakisoba etc. Of all of them, udon is one of ... -
What is dish “Oyakodon”
【What is Oyakodon?】 Do you know “Oyako don ”? This dish is one of the famous Japanese dishes. There using Egg and chicken. Because, This dish name is “Oyako” “Oyako” means….parent and child😱 It is seriously… But It is good taste. My O... -
Oyakodon Online Lesson Report
【Lesson Report】 Thank you joining again the online lesson from America 🫶 We did make… Oyako-Don Ohitashi Ichibandashi Miso soup He can speak complete onions is Tamanegi, Spinach is Hourensou, and number! Also He remembered Oosaji, Kosa... -
In Japanese, ”nabe” has two meanings, Do you know?
Do you know "Nabe"🍲? If you have studied Japanese, you may wonder. Nabe is a famous winter dish in Japan of vegetables, meat or seafood stewed in an earthenware pot. Dashi (soup stock) for nabe (hot pot) is sold in supermarkets in a vari...