How to make japanese side dish that it use Okura!

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Can you get “Okura” in your country?

Okra is a common ingredient in Japan.
Also it is sticky and we enjoy its texture.

For example, it is pickled in soy sauce or soup stock, with natto (fermented soybeans), or as a meat roll.

It is considered a summer vegetable in Japan and is often eaten on hot days.

The size is about 10 cm to 15 cm, and can be purchased at supermarkets.

This time, I'm sharing a recipe, served with a sauce involving crushed peanuts!

Okura with Peanuts sauce Recipe & Ingredients

Ingredient / 2 persons

Okura / about 5~7 pieces

Grind peanuts powder or crushed peanuts powder/ about 10~15g (as you like)

★Dashi soup / 2 tsps

★Sugar / 1 1/2 Tbsps

★Mirin / 1 Tbsp

★Soy sauce / 1 Tbsp

Sugar and crushed peanuts powder used the following


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