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If you are interested in a more detail process of making Fukujinzuke, please fill in your email address to the following form. You can get.... ①How to make preparation of Daikon (White radish) ②How to make Fukujinzuke Get a free video Plus, send us feedback after watching the video we'll give you ③recipe for Fukujinzuke Tartar Sauce! ※You will receive a Video URL in your auto-reply email. If you do not receive it, please contact us from the website Contact
Have you heard of “Fukujinzuke”?

Do you know “Fukujinzuke”? “Fukujinzuke” is sweet and salty sliced vegetable pickles. If it write "fukujinzuke" in kanji characters...「福神漬け」. 福 means good fortune, 神 means God, 漬け means pickles. Sounds like a name that could bring you good fortune! I used Japanese white radish. My “Fukujinzuke” is handmade because I can adjust taste. They're so easy to make, it's a try!
How it eat?

In Japan, "fukujinzuke" is often served with curry rice. My favorite recipe is to use it as an ingredient in Onigiri (rice balls)! This is “Fukujinzuke and Japanese plum onigiri”. The sweetness of "Fukujinzuke" is harmonized by mixing it with pickled plums.
Ingredients & Recipe

If you are interested in a more detail process of making Fukujinzuke, please fill in your email address to the following form. You can get.... ①How to make preparation of Daikon (White radish) ②How to make Fukujinzuke Get a free video Plus, send us feedback after watching the video we'll give you ③ recipe for Fukujinzuke Tartar Sauce! ※You will receive a Video URL in your auto-reply email. If you do not receive it, please contact us from the website Contact
★Ingredients★ -Fukujinzuke- ・Japanese white radish / 500g ・salt /10g ★sugar/100g ★soy sauce/100cc ★Vinegar(Rice or Grain vinegar)/50cc ★Ginger (grated and mixed)/ half piece ★Seeds removed Japanese plum (as you like)/about 2~3 piece -Recipe- 1. All Japanese white radish is cut into quarter-rounds. 2.Put the Japanese white radish slices into a clean bag (plastic bag, etc.), sprinkle with salt, and rub in. 3.Close the mouth of the bag tightly and place in the refrigerator overnight. You can place a heavy object on top of the bag. (Remove any moisture from the radishes.) 4.The next day, remove the White radishes and rinse them in water to remove any remaining salt. (Soft water is preferred) 5.All ★ into a pot and turn on the medium heat. 6.Bring come to a boil, add White radish and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. 7.Remove only white radish once and place in a clean storage container. Note:Do not throw away the rest of the juice as it will be used later. 8.Bring the remaining liquid to a simmer over low to medium heat while skimming off the water. Be careful not to scorch. 9.After some of the water has evaporated, mix in the white radish and this sauce that has been removed. <Material Reference>