How to make “Shijimi clam (fleshwater clam) miso soup”?

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I would recommend it the day after a hangover

This is “Shijimi clam (freshwater clam) miso soup”.

In Japan,Miso soup with “shijimi clam” is said to help liver function and relieve hangovers.

Perfect for a hangover, tired body!

Ingredients & Seasoning

★Ingredients★ About 1~2 person

・Shijimi clam (freshwater clam) / about 100g
※Use sand-drained (sand out) shijimi clams.

・Mitsuba (Japanese parsley)/As you like

・Miso / 1Tbsp
・Dashi stock /300cc


1.Dashi stock into the pot and turn on the medium heat.

2.When small bubbles begin to come up, add Shijimi clam.
※Frozen shijimi clam is put in as it is.

3.When the Shijimi clam mouth opens,Turn off the low heat.

4.Dissolve on a ladle to dissolve miso.

5.As you like topping Mitsuba (Japanese parsley)

-The trick-

It is always can use when Freeze the sand out shijimi clams in a plastic bag (preservation bag).


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