How to make wasabi soy sauce or soy sauce sauce to go with meat!

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Wrapped asparagus with pork ~Sprinkle wasabi sauce~

This dish is grilled pork loin wrapped with lightly boiled asparagus.

In addition, this time I made wasabi soy sauce as a sauce.

Since soy sauce is also added, wasabi is just a flavor enhancer.

If you don't like wasabi, instead of sugar for the wasabi for a sweet and spicy flavor!

And since it was a hot day in my city, I also added some grated garlic on this particular day!

This sauce goes with chicken, pork, beef, you name it!

Recipe & Ingredients

Ingredient / 2 persons

Soy sauce / 2 Tbsps

Mirin / 1 Tbsp

Dashi stock / 1 Tbsp (No need to use it when If you can’t prepare.)

Wasabi / about 5 cm or 2g~3g (as you like)

*You can instead of Sugar / 1 Tbsp when If you don’t like wasabi

Grated garlic / for a piece (as you like)


①Mixing all ingredients

②Pour into the fly pan where the meat is cooking and bring to a slight simmer to heat up the sauce.

Well done! Really easy!

Tube wasabi is easy and recommended.


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